Yes, you’re too hot… but please stop.

Okay, I can’t put off writing about it anymore. It is the elephant in the room. Well, you know… the elephant in the room in my head that is filled with Benjamin.

If you’ve spent any amount of time on this blog you know that I am head-over-heels, crazy in love with Benjamin, completely immersed in his legacy, and totally obsessed with his life. Nothing he did will ever change that. And you might think that *I* would think that every little thing he did is sheer perfection. And for the most part, every little thing he did is perfect… but there’s this one thing.

This one thing that he did. It makes my cheeks burn with embarrassment.

It’s the video for “Too Hot to Stop.” I can’t STAND it.benjamin-orr-too-hot-to-stop-elektra

There. I said it.

Before you decide to hate me at least hear me out!

Benjamin in black leather? Yes! And you can’t unzip that jacket far enough, buddy. That Hawaiian tan? Bring it on. Cameos by David and Greg? Supportive friends warm my heart. The song is great and I gleefully listen to it over and over. But please…

Someone PLEASE give my man a guitar!!!

I’m just going to lay it all out here. Benjamin, bless his heart, certainly seems to be giving it his best shot… but he looks SO uncomfortable in this. His makeup is awful. His Neil Diamond dance moves are painful to watch. The lip-synching is a disaster. And I feel like I can tell pretty much every point where they stopped filming and Someone said, “how about you dance like this” and “why don’t you move over this way” and “try throwing your arms up” and “now give us the smoldering look.” At no time does he look to me like he’s truly enjoying himself.

Up until I decided to write this review I had only watched this video twice. You can imagine my expectations the first time I clicked ‘play’, can’t you? Can’t you??? Well, it was like a sucker punch. I couldn’t have been more dismayed if he had come out with his head shaved and wearing Steven Tyler’s tights.

I wanted to love it so much! It’s BENJAMIN, for crying out loud! I watched it a second time, thinking that maybe it would move into that grace-filled category of “it’s so bad, it’s funny and I love it” – but no, just more trauma. And in spite of my dear friend Jen’s attempts to get me to give it another go, I just couldn’t do it. I refused to pull it from the corner where I had shoved it, deep in the back of my mind, and managed to ignore it for a while… and yet here I am. I can’t seem to let it go.

Now come on. Think back to every performance you’ve ever seen of Benjamin Orr — and I’m talking about before this video *and* after.  That cool demeanor, those sensual facial expressions… how he could define ‘rock star’ just by standing there, working that bass or guitar and mesmerizing you with his voice, and then turn your knees to noodles with his brilliant smile. This persona fit him perfectly; he was in his element. It was obvious that he was comfortable there; I believe it came very naturally to him.

The Benjamin Orr of the 2H2S video is just *not* him. It seems like a parody, a joke.  Whose idea was this? Please don’t tell me it was the 80s and that’s what everybody did. This was Someone’s concept *for* Benjamin but not *about* Benjamin; it was Someone trying to push a rock star peg into a cheesy hole. It was Someone trying to make my man into something he wasn’t.

But I will say this for him, he was a gamer. However uncomfortable he may have been he pushed through and made it happen; made Someone’s dream come true. And yes, I’m definitely convinced that this was NOT his idea… because he just looks SO wrong.


I read an article from The Boston Herald, dated January 24, 1987, about the making of the 2H2S video. Most of the column inches are spent talking about the complex state-of-the-art lighting used for the ‘futuristic’ backdrop on the set. There is one quote from Benjamin; he says this: “My only idea was to have the video have something to do with outer space. That’s what seems to capture attention the most these days, so I wanted to see if we could go out there for a while — or at least fool the camera into thinking we had.”

My darling, nerdy, love-of-my-life, I wish you had been a just little more opinionated as to how this was all going to play out…

Not sure I can really find my usual little tidbits to gush about. Certainly that smile at 3:30 melts my heart. I know we all adore Benjamin, and I accept that not everyone feels the same way about the 2H2S video as I do, so I’ll let you watch and add your own heartthrob moments in the comments. Maybe you can point out something wonderful that I missed.

86 thoughts on “Yes, you’re too hot… but please stop.

  1. OMG! I can’t believe youtube worked on my tablet, #1, and #2, I can’t believe I watched that a 2nd time & actually LIKED it!!! Maybe it was that handsome hunk beguiling me with that “Can I call you Dinner?!” smile of his ❤ Anyway, his voice is wonderfully perfect as usual, just like him *gush gush gush* ❤ 😀

    Liked by 4 people

  2. Yes, I agree the video is quite lame. This is one of the 2 songs off of The Lace which I don’t really care for. “That’s the way” doesn’t float my boat either. It is hard not to like anything that Ben was involved with.

    Liked by 2 people

  3. Re-read this and had a good laugh as your warm humor softens the blow that is this thing. I think you and i have a pretty good idea whose fault this video was. LOL Dear Ben – we still love you!!

    Liked by 5 people

    1. Yes, prancing around awkwardly on stage with no instrument to play was NOT Ben’s style. I felt really bad for him as I watched that video 😢 As far as who’s responsible for this tragic lapse in judgement, ahem… are you referring to a person who was personally and professionally involved with Ben’s creation of The Lace? I AGREE!

      Liked by 2 people

  4. Bless his heart!
    So some of the 80’s music and fashion wasn’t my thing. I suppose this video is quite dated now and gawd how most of those bouncy pop songs of the era got on my nerves!
    But Benjamin looked very fine an gave it a terrific effort
    Why, oh WHY couldn’t he be playing Bass in this?
    That was when he was in his element!
    Not prancing around makin hoe-down moves with his arms!
    Gotta give it to him; if not for the boots, fake-looking golden skin and peppy awkward dancing; he definitely looked fit, trim and gorgeous.

    Liked by 3 people

  5. Oh wow, I thought I was the only one to intensely dislike this dopey video. After only a few regrettable seconds of viewing (don’t know how I lasted that long) I shut it down, crying “why Benjamin, omg why?! “ No dancing for you!

    But just like you Donna, I managed to move past this hot mess and just love him no matter. All is forgiven 😂

    Liked by 4 people

  6. Only you can say “…I am head-over-heels, crazy in love with Benjamin, completely immersed in his legacy, and totally obsessed with his life” and not come off as batshit crazy! We’re all jealous of you for that. ❤

    Liked by 4 people

  7. I feel just like you ,it’s embarrassing to watch.I did read an article but have not been able to find it again that the mood was very tense on the set,even Greg & David were not very happy with it. The reason given was that Benjamin had been drinking fairly heavily around this time in his life and it was fairly apparent when he he turned up for the recording. Has anyone else seen this article? That said, no one is perfect but he comes very close,so we so much else to enjoy about Benjamin Orr, one corny video doesn’t dim his star .Love reading your comments Cheers

    Liked by 3 people

  8. Totally agree! I remember thinking it was even a little embarrassing when it came out, and everything was embarrassing in the 80s! But it was the wrong kind of embarrassing. Hair metal was on its way in and I guess TPTB wanted Ben to try to compete with that, when he didn’t need to compete with anyone. I don’t know how anyone could look at the “Stay the Night” video and then follow it up with something like this. I have a dream that his second single was either “In Circles” or “The Lace,” featuring a much more appropriate romantic concept or something. Oh well.

    I think about his comments in that MTV interview when he said how much he enjoyed making the STN video and how the crew listened to his ideas, etc. I can’t help but think that wasn’t the case this time around. Maybe they should’ve just done a Star Trek spoof video…at least he would’ve had a lot more fun doing that. The USS Benterprise. 😄

    Liked by 6 people

    1. Hahaha — “The USS Benterprise” — I love it! And I completely agree with you. The difference between STN and 2H2S is tragically obvious! I just have to shake my head (because I’m certainly not going to watch it again unless I have to. LOL).

      Liked by 3 people

    2. Speaking of…Was Benjamin a sci fi fan? Does anyone know? Or at least a Star Trek fan? There are a couple Cars group shots with him I swear he’s doing the Spock “live long and prosper” hand sign.

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      1. Yes, I believe he was. I’ve seen at least three photos where he’s making that sign. And I think that it’s kind of backed up by the fact that outer space was his one idea for this video. 😉 What is that lyric Ric wrote in “They Won’t See You”? “Let’s stare at the TV and relate to Spock…” Haha!

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      2. I’ve heard that both he and Ric were Star Trek fans. Then there’s that adorable pic of Ben and Greg fooling around on the set of Battlestar Galactica.

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      3. Cool, thanks for the info. The first time I saw him doing it in a photo I thought, well maybe they just caught him with his hand mid movement. Then I saw it in another and thought that can’t just be a coincidence. I love the idea that he was a sci fi fan, wish we knew a little more about it. Sometimes it really reveals a little about a person if you know what sorts of things they are into outside of their public job. Being a geek myself, of course I love finding out if someone was into sci fi or comic books, things like that.

        And the idea that him and Ric were both Trek fans, it’s fun to imagine when they first met them bonding over it and watching it on tv together(those were original first run episodes back then!). The picture of him and Greg playing around on the BSG set was so cute.

        Liked by 4 people

      4. Okay SPJ where is the 3rd photo of Benjamin giving the Vulcan LLAP sign??? I’ve only seen 2. The one I posted on your FB page to ask about it and the one you posted in response. I NEEEEEEEED that 3rd pic if it exists, being a huge Sci-fi nerd & Star Trek geek. Just another thing on my list to find irresistible about him.

        As far as this video. I am pretty much in agreement with you here. I don’t really like it. He does not look at all comfortable or like himself. It makes me sad because I have read people made fun of it at the time and that had to hurt. I am probably the lone person who doesn’t really like much on that album, but mainly because of the way the music sounds. It’s too much like late 80’s TV theme song music. Not enough bass, no depth, too much whiny synthesizer. (I don’t even like MacGyver’s theme song and it was my FAVE show) From reading I know his music was taken and rearranged and changed. How much of what he started with was left….I wonder?

        Regarding the “drinking” at that time in his life. Hmmmm if he was supposed to be so happy with her and she was the “love of his life” (insert disbelief here 😏) why was he drinking that much and why did they never marry. That just seems odd to me.

        Liked by 2 people

  9. Digging David’s bouffant hair and Greg’s dancing at the keyboard and wonder if they’d done a spoof video following the real take if it would’ve been better as lighthearted fun? That said Ben is super hot in fitted pleather, has great moves when he’s moving naturally to the beat, has great legs and definitely is in shape at this point in time with that tiny waist superbly accentuated by that wide belt he’s wearing…
    A markedly different look from the Viele’s Planet gig several years later.
    Hmm, SPJ, I’m felt your pain as I watched this!

    Liked by 4 people

    1. Thank you for pointing out some of the (few) redeeming aspects of this video! I need to remember to ask Greg when we do part 2 on the podcast with him to tell us about this project. I’m so curious to hear his take on it. 😉

      Liked by 3 people

      1. It would be gratifying to learn his thoughts about this shoot – what he’d share about it that is! 😉
        He and David were discreetly blank-faced while the rest of the musicans were going thru the motions, imo.
        Hope Greg has memories to share in the future!

        Liked by 3 people

      2. Ooh, I’d love to hear Greg’s thoughts, too.

        I have to laugh at 1:57. I feel like he’s saying, “Uhhhh can I get out of here now?” And yeah, that smile at 3:30 that you already pointed out is the best. The lighting is different there too. It’s like the whole video is taken with the Barbara Walters fuzz-cam, and that part is more natural lighting. I wonder if it was an outtake that was left? If you watch this version, that smile is replaced by a more “serious looking” Ben face – Weird, right?

        Whatever this video’s flaws, and there are many, Ben still looked gorgeous. I may or may not have made a “You make it so hard” GIF for that reason. Inappropriate, I know. Hahahaha. But I’m happy to share it with you if you want.

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  10. Really completely agree with you on this. Even before I found your blog, I felt that same embarrassment. It just didn’t fit with all the other images I’d seen. The make-up actually makes him look different–and this is a guy that wore make-up, and changed up his look a lot–at least professionally. I wonder if it maybe affected things in the future for him? Maybe too much to put on a video……But, yeah, in the end it’s still a guy we all appreciate, so not a huge deal.

    Liked by 2 people

  11. This post has me laughing hysterically! You are hilarious! Annnnnd…I agree with you 100%.

    I’ve been gradually making my way through your blog posts and podcasts. I have A LOT of catching up to do, but I’ve learned a lot about The Cars and Benjamin through you. I want to let you know I appreciate what you’re doing! ❤

    Liked by 2 people

      1. This video was cringe-ville from day one (sadly).
        The song is decent enough though I think the whole album could have done better under a different producer.

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  12. File under open minded . Ben was a musican and performer . This video reeks mostly of the bad advice and MTV eras desire to get the biggest artists on no matter what. Poor Ben. SPJ a great commentary and ?…You have my undying gratitude on this one . B.B.

    Liked by 2 people

  13. Hello, I’m Ellie, and I’m a new fan of Benjamin and I have to say I love your blog! It’s so cool and amazing that you keep his memory alive in this way. Now, as for Too Hot To Stop…yes, I think he is VERY hot in this one, I love his hair, his eyes and his clothes, he looks very youthful and sweet, but I am not that much of a fan of the song. My fav look for him (he looked amazing all the time though) has to be Live Aid..he just oozes cool at that concert. ❤️

    Liked by 3 people

      1. Funnily enough it came up on my YouTube feed the other day. I started watching it and . . . Just No! But I guess we all make mistakes! Someone give Ben back his bass! He was a bit lost without it. Ah but we still love him!

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  14. Oh my. This video just popped up on my youtube feed. I had to take a break after the first few seconds and steel myself to continue watching. With the sound off. Luckily, towards the end, it did veer into “so bad it’s good” for me. Glam Ben is my favorite Ben, so I think I’ll be able to put the cheesiness out of my mind and keep the memory of that lovely fit body in tight leather. As you wrote, SPJ, you can’t unzip that jacket far enough …

    But it does make me sad for what could have been. I’d like to think that, with his immense musical talent and charisma, he could have been a very successful solo performer. But maybe his personality made him more suited to being a part of a band without the pressure of carrying the entire project.

    Liked by 2 people

    1. I agree with you. On the one hand I feel like we were deprived of so much more from him by way of sharing his amazing talents, but then it does seem he was not geared toward perpetuating a solo career. As Joe Milliken said, it seemed like Ben was on the rise again with Big People; they had an amazing energy together… and then it was over. It’s just such a shame! My heart aches.

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  15. Lol! Brilliant Ellie! I love being immortalised in a Cars song!!
    Just reading back over some of the posts and I must say I agree with the comments that it would have been better if the video was a spoof. I mean – it was already halfway there and would have been far less painful. At least it would have been properly funny. As it is, it’s almost funny while not trying to be, which is never good.

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  16. So glad I’m not the only one who cringes at this video. Our sweet man looks so out of his element. Definitely needs a bass to stand behind. However….Ben in that leather?? Unbelievably gorgeous! I will add my name to the chorus of people here asking him to unzip that jacket just a little more, please…that sexy chest gives me heart palpitations. Ben in tight leather = swoon!!!

    Liked by 3 people

  17. Also, why did they have all those vapid looking Stepford Wife clones standing around with that dead-eyed comatose look.
    They reminded me of those robots with the numbers on them on that Star Trek episode.

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  18. I agree he is almost certainly not enjoying this – his shoulders are so tight, they could break. But like everyone else I just love this talented and gorgeous man to bits, and my heart breaks if I go too deep.
    However, yes, LOL Stepford Wives! He was probably terrified of them!

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  19. I, too, was appalled when I first watched this video. Why would they try and make our Ben into something that he is not? If they had just given him a guitar, it would have fixed this awfulness in an instant. I must admit that the second time I watched it, I was not as horrified as I was the first time. I guess I can forgive Ben anything…. and i’ll just blame the people who thought this would work. And they were wrong, now, weren’t they??????? I would have fired them! Love you all and Ben!!

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  20. I wondered who the person is who directed this awful video. It could have been done so much better. Ben is so gorgeous he did not need all that makeup.

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  21. I am not a fan of this video and am glad that I am not the only one. The awful makeup, the boots with the wing-like things, and the dancing! The first hand gesture just looked forced and it did not improve from there. Benjamin did not look comfortable in this video. For this video, I kept thinking “how much longer is this” which is not something I would normally do.

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  22. While I do agree with everybody here about the video I do however, love it because it’s Ben & he can really do no wrong LOL! Even in a video like this he still freaking hot hot hot so I can forgive this video/hot mess…. His leather jacket needs to be unzipped all the way. ALL. THE. WAY. Too much of a tease just like that video blurb of him stripping off his pants backstage….GOOD LORD.

    Liked by 2 people

      1. Oh yeah it’s that cars unlocked…I want to see more LOL! god so beautiful! From what I saw he was looking pretty-good mighty fine in fact…He had a nice behind Lol! Just a fangirl moment!

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    1. Dangerously gorgeous but awkwardly uncomfortable – that is like the perfect description for this video. Given that apparently the only involvement he had in the story was that they took his suggestion of setting it in outer space, I have to put most of the blame on the MV director, it’s up to the MV director to make the musician look comfortable and natural. Why would you make it a “performance” in space? You set something in space – make it a space mission or something. Those blank faced weird women could have been a kickass female crew instead, if Greg and David still wanted to do it without the instrumental miming, they could have been crew members too. Could have been a space chase or battle of some sort, could have been funny or corny but it probably wouldn’t have the second hand cringe factor. I’ve always thought Ben would have made a great “space pirate” so he could even keep the black leather(and that could even have been a fun play on words with the Too Hot to Stop” title – too hot, hot as in stolen! :))

      You know though, I can’t be too hard on it overall. He looks great, I don’t think we’re that used to seeing him with the dark tan(I guess he’d just come back from vacation), and it’s nice to have a video where you can actually SEE how big and blue his eyes are(what was it with The Cars photographers and video makers always putting him in shadows?) not nearly enough of that out there. And I’m never gonna complain about him and black leather. And we can at least thank god he didn’t get the full on Billy Squier Rock Me Tonite(1984) treatment, to this day it’s known as the video that destroyed his career.(coincidentally enough in 1982 Squire released a platinum album called “Emotions in Motion”)

      And he is dancing in time with the music so it’s not that bad. They just should have put an instrument in his hands, because like many musicians he has no clue what to do with his hands when there isn’t an instrument in it – he’s definitely not alone in that. Wasn’t that one of the reasons Maxanne Sartori said to put him back on an instrument, with Cap N Swing, while he occasionally had a tambourine or, per Let’s Go, castanets(I really really want to see that), he generally just stuck his hands on his hips or in his pockets while singing because he really just didn’t know what to do with them(which for some reason I find so endearing).

      Donna — also thank you for that Goldmine article you just put up on your facebook, I’ve been wanting to read it for ages, having only seen the occasional quote from it in other articles, but hadn’t quite gotten to the point of buying an actual copy of the magazine. It does have some inaccuracies regarding personal information as you mentioned but obviously the direct quotes are what they are and most of the article is made of the quotes, very informative. It was great to read about it in the guys own words and their own thoughts and opinions. I have thoughts and opinions on it too, maybe it’s a good thing Facebook won’t let me join, there’d be some long commentary and much arm chair psychoanalyzing. LOL

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  23. I Loved this funny, out of the ordinary (for Ben) 80’s video! The dance moves, typical synth sound, hair, clothes, weird space video – all scream that time frame. I absolutely adore Ben for making this!! Yes you’re right – it looks forced with his moves, that fake tan and oh the lip syncing, but it made me laugh and appreciate (Swoon) him even more…💜

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  24. Agree with you 100 percent. It makes me sad because it could have been a shining, star-turn moment, where his multiple charms, talents, and assets were accentuated. This video would have been hard for him to live down and get past inside the music business, IMO. But it is what it is …

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  25. I have probably listened to The Lace a couple hundred times since it was released. (Though I think it was a few years later that it hit my radar). I like most of the songs on The Lace, 2H2S included.
    Now then, the painful video… I have only watched it a few times and the last time it popped up on my youtube feed I don’t think I got more than 20-30 seconds in before “the cringe” set in and I had to turn it off. Ben looked like he felt completely naked without a guitar in his hands. Good call on the, “Neil Diamond dance moves” comment Donna. I think you hit the nail on the head on that one. Ben looks like he’s there but not there. Maybe that’s why it reminds me of the Cars video for Strap me in. All of the guys standing in the desert somewhere, acting out the song like they’d rather be somewhere else. (Like they already knew they were done as a band).
    The only other thing about The Lace that makes me cringe like this video is the laughing and “I love you”, at the beginning of Stay the Night. That song was complete before that was dubbed in. (apologies if that hurts anyone’s feelings, as I believe that is the voice of Ben’s girlfriend at that time)
    It seemed to me that The Cars could have had another ten years in the tank. It’s a shame that a rift between Ben and Ric had to come up at that time and put an end to it all. I suspect there was more going on than just that but Ric wouldn’t hear of Ben wanting to submit lyrics for consideration as future Cars’ songs. Greg talked about that, after the fact.

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    1. I love all these comments, Dave, and share in your opinions! I don’t mind Diane’s little laughing “I love you” in general; it just doesn’t seem to fit with that song at all, in my opinion. It took a while for The Lace album to really grow on me. Thank you for taking the time to share your thoughts!


      1. I think the “I love you” makes sense if you think of “Stay the Night” being from Diane’s point of view. It’s an interesting twist to think of the lyrics that way, as her begging him to stay the night. But that’s just my take on it.

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      2. Great comment. I have definitely thought of that perspective, specifically with his song, “When You’re Gone.” Personally, I believe that she wrote those lyrics about Ben, and it’s quite heartbreaking. I may be way off base, I know.

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  26. I agree with you, Donna. Give our man a guitar. I don’t think this was his idea, but he went with it and I’m proud of him for branching out & giving it a whirl. And he was especially HOT. I looked beautiful!

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  27. Yes Agree not the Ben we all know and love. He was an amazing musician who loved playing. I feel like this was uncomfortable for him but he did his best to get through it. Bravo to him. This was totally out of his element. Can’t condemn him for trying.

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  28. I just learned who Ben Orr was LAST WEEK. I was a metal head in the 80s and didn’t really pay attention to much on MTV except for headbangers ball. I happened to hear All Mixed Up a couple of weeks ago and thought, “Wow, I didn’t know Ric Ocasek had such a great voice.” Honest to God, I had no idea the Cars had Benjamin Orr at all until I looked up a live video of All Mixed Up (from 1978) at the Agora maybe? And then I saw Ben and got hit with a thunderbolt just like in the Godfather. I have been non stop binge watching everything Ben Orr for 2 weeks and it’s becoming an obsession. I completely agree that Too Hot to Stop is not my favorite song and this video is definitely an outlier from all of the incredible work this amazing human did. Glad that his memory is living on. And I hope that the future holds much more recognition for Benjamin Orr, because he deserves the love and admiration times a thousand.

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  29. Also, one of my favorite Benjamin vocal performances is on “It’s Not the Night”. I don’t love the album version, as it’s just so over the top synth-ey that it’s hard to look past. But the live version? The vocals are just exceptional. When I think of other vocalists like Jimi Jameson (Survivor) and Steve Perry (Journey), Ben outshines them all. His range is better. He can do the the sustained low notes, but also sing at the top of his range and not sound the least strained. I just can’t stand how good he is. And 3 weeks ago I DID NOT KNOW THAT BENJAMIN ORR EXISTED! It’s the greatest tragedy that he wasn’t more well known. I only hope that more people learn about him and that his legacy lives on. Thank you for this blog and the love and determination that you’ve put into compiling all of this! It’s incredible.

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  30. I agree the Too Hot to Stop was not his finest hour, but to my the video for Stay the Night wrote itself. I felt it should have been a story line where he’s home thinking about his girlfriend (played by an actress) and scenes are included where she’s doing the same. The last scene could have been where Ben opens the door and it’s her she’s decided to … I feel that would have captured the feel of the song. And yes DGP in the recording was just her getting in on it🙄


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