Thank God it’s free! (Rock Goes to College)

rgtc-1If you’ve found this blog on your own it’s probably because you did a search. And if you did a search it’s probably because you are crazy about The Cars, and if you are crazy about The Cars you have, in all likelihood, seen their iconic performance on Rock Goes to College. If somehow you missed it, get ready for the best rock-and-roll half hour of your life!

“Rock Goes to College (RGTC) was a BBC series that ran between 1978 and 1981 on British television. A variety of up-coming rock oriented bands were showcased live from small venues and broadcast simultaneously on television and radio during a 40-50 minute live performance. The venues were small university, polytechnic or college halls holding a few thousand people; often tickets were given to the Students’ Union to distribute for free. The bands chosen were also, in some cases, bands which did not have a mainstream following at that time although many went on to be very successful. A BBC DJ would also be present to introduce the band for the television audience.” (Wikipedia)

On November 22, 1978, in the throes of promoting their self-titled debut album, The Cars played at the University of Sussex in Brighton, England. The episode was aired on RGTC on January 13, 1979.

The Cars did not have a good experience in the UK. Apparently there was some controversy about the promotion of The Cars’ picture disc for “My Best Friend’s Girl” which took a hit on the band’s potential popularity. Music critics slammed them, and Ric had a shoulder bag (including a lyrics/poetry book) stolen during their visit. Ironically, the single MyBFG  peaked at number 3 on the UK charts, so at least they had that to soothe them. The Cars did not play in England again, though they did do record signings and promotional appearances from time to time, and later recorded their album, Heartbeat City, in London.*

In spite of being ‘officially’ less than two years old, the seasoned professionalism of this band is evident all throughout the video. Though the reception from the English audience was lukewarm at best, and some of their behavior was downright rude, The Cars rocked on and did what they were created to do: deliver a blistering show purely for the love of it.

Let me detail some of the garbage they had to put up with:

During the first verse of “Bye Bye Love,” some putz in the audience throws what appears to be a drink onto the stage. Benjamin’s face turns to stone, and the increased intensity of his vocals gives away the instant anger he feels. You are left with no doubt of his emotions when he mouths the words, “I’m going to get you” after the first verse. And through all that drama, our darling Benjamin doesn’t miss a note; in fact if anything his performance gets even hotter as he channels all that justified frustration into the song. You can see his demeanor change during the bridge to the third chorus and he flashes a smug little smile… Personally, I like to speculate that the jackass was removed from the audience at that point as you can see (what I interpret to be) triumph in Benjamin’s beautiful eyes as he follows him out.

Unfortunately all the jerks in the audience aren’t gone, because just before the beginning of “Don’t Cha Stop” you can hear an idiot in the crowd shout out, “Thank God it’s free!” (a sentiment I agree with, but for different reasons!). And still, the band is not deterred. Elliot lays into his smoking intro like nobody’s business, and he and Benjamin spend most of the song playing off each other’s rock and roll energy. It’s fabulous.

Elliot’s shirt is clearly wet in more than the ‘sweaty’ way – more drinks being thrown? Speculation, of course. The crowd is slow to respond between songs, wide camera sweeps show general inattention and milling around, and the chattering during the emcee’s intro reflects obvious disinterest. There are a few audio and camera issues that might leave you shaking your head, too. And yet, in spite of all this, The Cars play such a tight and exciting set; it leaves my heart pounding with the thrill. They rise above it all and it’s ALL about THEM. Glorious.

I am so grateful to be able to have access to this piece of Cars history — so yes, “thank God it’s free!” I’ve watched it a zillion times. I have SO much gushing to do about Benjamin; his charisma and appeal in this concert are off.the.chain. For the sake of time, however, I’m going to save all of those observations for later posts… So yeah, you’ve got that to look forward to. Hahaha! (You’re welcome!)

Okay, enough details, right? Are you ready to indulge? First off here is the official set list:

  1.  Just What I Needed
  2. Good Times Roll
  3. I’m in Touch with Your World
  4. My Best Friend’s Girl
  5. Moving In Stereo
  6. All Mixed Up
  7. Night Spots
  8. Bye Bye Love
  9. Don’t Cha Stop
  10. You’re All I’ve Got Tonight

And here we go; here’s the link to the video:


In addition to the set list above, there is footage of two more songs The Cars played during the show as an encore that didn’t air on the broadcast: “Candy-O” and “Hotel Queenie.” I’m adding links to those, too. Enjoy!


*Sources: the final interview included on The Cars Live — Musikladen 1979 DVD, released 10/2000; the article “The Cars Spin Home,” The Globe, December 1978; and Wikipedia

56 thoughts on “Thank God it’s free! (Rock Goes to College)

  1. Awwww it makes me so sad that they had such a bad experience over here. I’m disgusted by the way the crowd reacted to them. Unfortunately at that time I was only 12 and busy fangirling over Duran Duran. Thankfully over the years I think my taste in music has matured and improved and I would like to apologise on behalf of the asshole crowd back in 1979. Some of us Brits love The Cars ❤️❤️❤️

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Aw heck, it wasn’t the first time the band had to deal with rejection; Ric talks frequently about how tough it was to get accepted. We’ll make sure to give them plenty of adoration now to make up for it! LOL

      Liked by 3 people

    2. Hey, there’s nothing wrong with Duran Duran. One of my favorites, but DD wasn’t even mainstream until 1981-82 and just beginning to form in 78. Unless you are a hardcore DD pre-Simon Lebon and from England, I don’t think you were into them yet.

      Liked by 1 person

  2. Thank you for posting this and for the heads up on the Bye Bye Love drink throwing part. I watched it and you have described it perfectly. He is INTENSE after that. Although I’m sorry for him and the band that happened, the silver lining is we get to see him pissed off (which is I think the only time I’ve ever seen him like that- usually so mellow or happy) and a pissed off Ben is an incredible performer and mind blowingly HOT. I will probably watch this 100 more times. 🙂

    Liked by 5 people

  3. I join the rest in saying thank you! The Cars were essentially my “life sound” in the summers of 1979, and I still love them today. I am completely perplexed by the behavior you described-but perhaps I shouldn’t be, having become a college student myself shortly after this show aired, and, sorry to say, acting the part of the ass at times as well. Such good memories you spark!

    Liked by 3 people

      1. I shall look at your other posts, SPJ, and have shared a link to your site with a fellow Cars friend. I am a choir and pop band singer of many years experience, and appreciate just how excellent the band was, how challenging the songs were to perform – talent that just leaps out of the screen! Your fine commentary helped bring back the thrill, feeling 16, 17 again, !

        Liked by 2 people

  4. WOW….Never saw these before! Thanks ever so for posting!!!! Yes, I, too, am SOOOOO SAD gorgeous, sexy, hot Ben has passed on añd no longer making videos. I sure do miss him! Rock god for sure!!!!

    Liked by 1 person

  5. Wonderfully evocative commentary, sweetpurplejune. I admire your writing style; especially your ability to interpret and explain what was going on on-stage, off-stage and in Ben’s mind. He was SUCH a beautiful man! The Cars were heavily played in the soundtrack of my youth and what an alive, emotional time it was! They were tight and terrific throughout this gig, despite an unappreciative audience. We are lucky to have the film archive for posterity. I was so in love with Ben. What girl wasn’t? Who could resist him? He had it all! I so hope he had a happy, full, and enriched life up until his premature demise from pancreatic cancer. Another rock n’ roll angel, another beautiful soul traveling on.
    Thank you and keep writing, girlfriend!

    Liked by 2 people

  6. Hey to hell with those idiots in teh UK and their lack of appreciation – 6 months after this video aired the CARS packed the Yale Bowl in Nrew Haven Connecticut in blistering heat and had the whole fucking place rocking

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  7. I’m an hour away from Thompson, Ohio, I’m going to visit his grave tomorrow and pay my respects. Hope that’s where he really is as I’ve seen his mother listed as Betty or Mary, this cemetery has Mary and Charles….Ben next to them.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Yes, I believe he is. The Charles and Mary he is next to are his brother and his brother’s wife; his parents (Charles and Betty) are buried in a different cemetery. Glad you’re able to go and visit him; I hope it is a special time for you.


  8. Have just found this blog and loving all the footage, this concert in particular is a cracker! Such a shame the audience were not appreciative as the band deserved. Benjamin at his sexy best of course, loved that man! Thanks for compiling all this sweetpurplejune, I can see I’m going to love spending time trawling and drooling through all this.

    Liked by 1 person

  9. After reading your post, I felt as though I could have written it myself! It was a great validation to read your interpretation!
    After analyzing it over and over, I decided to try to see if anyone had commented on it somewhere. I found this post. Interestingly, i just joined your Facebook page a few days ago!
    Thanks so much!!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. HI Pam! I’m so glad you found me! Yes, this video. It is amazing! It is still my go-to for live footage of Benjamin… this and Musikladen. What I wouldn’t give for a time machine, so I could sit in that venue and experience The Cars at their best. Ben was sheer perfection from start to finish. ❤


  10. This concert never gets old!
    The misbehaving audience must be jealous boyfriends, no woman in her right mind could not look at that gorgeous man and not be mesmerized….oh and the music too! lol

    Liked by 2 people

  11. Thank you so much dear Donna for all this information. I knew some of the stuff they faced when performing in the UK but you explained it in such detail. I wondered what happened at that 3rd bridge of the chorus you talk about as I could tell he looks rather pleased and his eyes seem to follow someone and what you wrote makes perfect sense. I thought perhaps he had spotted a beautiful female what you wrote fits much better as the look is more triumphant and whoever he is looking at seems to leaving ( or so it looks. I have watched this and wondered so many times 😉 ) Hubby also also said how incredibly well Benjamin channels his frustration ( after mouthing “I ‘m going to get you”) with some of the best intense vocals ever . I love this performance and the quality of the picture and audio is outstanding and remains one of our all time favourites. A lot of legendary bands faced that sort of reaction, Queen when they performed in Australia the first time in Sunbury had a not so nice reaction as well, so it’s part of the life of a musician. I also think even though I wish the audience had been more appreciative I am grateful to see that look of ice cold demeanour in Benjamin’s eyes as it is so sexy, ( although it would not be if it was aimed at me 😉 ) and hubby was also saying Benjamin is amazing, ever the consummate performer not missing a beat but channeling it and the way he steps back from the mike to mouth I’m going to get you, he is fully in control and only uses this to his advantage. Gerry told me ab out gigs where his band had beer bottles thrown at them ( I think I read something similar about some gig Benjamin did once ) and Gerry said his friend was a lot more angry and nowhere as cool as Benjamin was when the bottle and the drink almost hit him at Gerry’s performance. So kudos to Benjamin. How orrsome is this concert ? The only bad part for me is THAT IT ENDS…..

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I agree with you — there is something magnetic about seeing that side of Ben… seeing him express his justified anger in no uncertain terms but remaining fully in control of himself, and seeing him channel it into great success rather than letting it derailing him. He fascinates me on every level!


  12. “Rock Goes to College” was the first video I watched after having given my old Cars albums a re-listen, and what a re-introduction! Back in the day, my oblivious teenage self didn’t realize what amazing musicians they were, and besides the albums covers/sleeves, there were no visuals to go with it. How lucky we are to be able to see this now, and that they (and especially Ben) can get their due. I’m continually amazed when I read through the YouTube comments how many people were unaware of Ben’s huge musicial contribution and stage presence.

    As always, a great write-up, SPJ!

    Liked by 1 person

  13. Please don’t think I am nuts, but I was looking at atsejam’s youtube page and she has the video
    “My Obsession with Benjamin Orr has Driven me Completely Crazy”. I haven’t decided what I feel about that video, but I know that I Think it was clever.

    My question is and this may be proof that that title applies to me, but I feel like I have to know! Why? I don’t know.

    She says in the video that Benjamin is saying “I’m Looking at you”, your post says, “I’m gonna get you.”
    Don’t get me wrong, I am good with either one, I mean after all, The Cars are not a 2bit bar band, don’t be throwing drinks you jerk. But clearly one is let’s say a threat, and one is I caught you assh-le and I am going to stare at you until you leave my presence.”

    Now, with the video she did being 3 years old, and this post being 3 years old, has there been any agreement in the FAN-O-RAMA wold which one it was?

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Ah, hahaha! I love that video! My daughter and I quote it all the time (“Scratch your leg if you think I’m hot”). It looks like that video was done in 2012, and I think since then there has been a general consensus that he says, “I’m gonna get you.” In my own obsession, I’ve watched it in slow motion and studied it pretty carefully in the past, and I did again before commenting here now (somebody get me some water… ) and I’m still convinced he says, “I’m gonna get you.” And now if you’ll excuse me, I need to take a cold shower.

      Liked by 1 person

      1. I know – I hold back on watching some of these videos over and over b/c I just, well, swoon, and then I forget to do whatever it is I am supposed to be doing instead. I saw the poll this AM- what a great idea!
        and now I do have to agree – I’m gonna get you” it is. Thank you for reading my comments Donna, you’re the best!

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  14. So, ever since Ric passed away 2 days ago, I’ve just been watching tons of The Cars videos all over YouTube. I came across the live “Rock Goes To College” videos as well. I read one of the comments regarding something being thrown at the band during that performance. I related my own experience with something being thrown at Ric during a February 1982 concert in West Texas. A partially empty water bottle was thrown during the opening lyrics of “You’re All I’ve Got Tonight”. The opening lyrics, as you know, are: “I don’t care if you hurt me some more…” so, I was curious if the thrown water bottle during this particular song, was an isolated incident, or if throwing items was kind of a “thing” that in-the-know fans might do in response to the lyrics? Do you have any insight into this? Just curious. By the way, Ric was surprised by the bottle that struck him in the head, but it seemed to me as if he knew it was not meant to hurt him and was thrown in response to the song lyrics. He actually brushed it off like a pro, smiled, and finished the song without a hitch!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I don’t think it was ever a normal or acceptable thing as far as the band was concerned. I have read more than one interview where one of the guys would mention it with irritation. Of course, in the footage for “Bye Bye Love” from Rock Goes to College, Ben looks downright furious. As always, though, the guys were total badasses and kept their cool! I could be wrong, but I don’t think they ever thought it was cool.

      Liked by 1 person

      1. I appreciate the reply and your insight. I’m sure no musician welcomes anything being tossed or thrown at them while performing on stage. I was just curious, and since the lyrics to that particular song are so inviting, I’m sure inebriated fans around the world have done some really stupid things in those settings. So, even though I was surprised and shocked by the water bottle throwing incident, I thought it was so cool that the band had “the show must go on” attitude. Total professionals all the way around. Why let one jerk ruin the concert for all the others. Sure wish I had seen the band more than just that one time in 1982. At least we still have the old grainy videos! Thanks again, and let the good times roll!

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      2. Oh yes, they always had such a controlled demeanor! I love that about them, and it carried over off stage, too. I’ve always appreciated that they never really had any public blow-ups or dramatic fights. They were/are a bunch of classy dudes!


      1. Back in 1982, there were VERY STRICT rules concerning bringing in any recording devices to a concert. For obvious reasons of course. No still photography, no video cameras, and no tape recorders. Those devices were all pretty big and bulky as you may recall, so a good security check might spot them, but some recording devices would get through on occasion and have provided fans of many bands with “bootleg” gems from live concerts, although probably very poor in quality…lol…in any event, to answer your question, no, I am not aware that the water bottle throwing incident was ever captured on video. It resides only in my own personal YouTube memory banks! Many files get deleted every year, but that old Cars concert memory is still there. 37 years later.

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    2. Hi 🙂 Omw the RGTC footage is iconic. That drink/bottle incident was outrageous. I didn’t know about the ’82 water incident. Sooooo dangerous for our guys, electric guitars strapped over them, probably a bit less so for Greg but still.
      I was at a great performance of a different band rocking out wild when rain started to leak through the tarp. ceiling. The musicians called out to borrow rubber-soled shoes from the audience. The place was heaving – shoes quickly found, gig went on. So I can’t imagine throwing liquid at a stage is ever going to be OK!
      …in RGTC, though – that missile (what a jerk!) accidently created THE definitive Bye Bye Love of my life! My goodness, that passion burns like ice. ❤

      Liked by 2 people

  15. Thanks for the background on this, I like this point “our darling Benjamin doesn’t miss a note” – like the true professionals they are, they carry on, damn the torpedos! I think the only time I’ve seen AC/DC’s Angus Young get out of his “zone” was when someone threw a beer at him (idiot was escorted out, after getting his nose pinched by Angus!). I did hear the (what do they call them in Britain?) wanker (?) scouser (?) yelled “at least it’s free!” (surely the same guy yells this at every concert), but I also notice that the guitars come in immediately after, drowning out the scouser. As it should 🙂 So the Brits were a bit mystified by the “new wave”, but I sort of feel that the Cars must’ve been one influence on the explosion of great “new wave” music out of Britain and beyond, heavy on the keyboards, for example Depeche Mode. So not being an expert in music trends but just a thought … btw, found this via a comment on Youtube on the concert itself…thanks again!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Hey hey — nice to meet you! I’m so glad you enjoyed the article! What an experience it must have been for them. And yes, I definitely agree with you, though I’m not an expert on trends, either. I think they bridged the gap between the heavy punk scene and the arrival of new wave in England. I always feel like Greg’s keyboard combinations and hooks gave the music world a whole new way of looking at how synthesizers should be incorporated into songs. I hope you’ll find some time to poke around and see what else might interest you here. Thanks for commenting, Robert!

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    2. Agreed. The Cars were the sound of my youth in Southern California. I remember bringing they’re first album in to wood shop in high School. Actually it was an 8 trac tape 😆. Our teacher was cool and let us listen to music. Anyway it blew everyone’s mind. The first and second album CandyO are two of my favorite albums of all time

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  16. Really love your article and specifics on what happened at this concert and Im so glad you posted it – I dont know how its possible some 42 years later to be so in love still with Ben and so transfixed on him – I will watch this over and over till my computer breaks! I love the encore of Candy-O – What an anthem! Glad you included it. I was 16 when they first came out- I still feel like I am a teen when I watch this. Mind blowing respect I have for them and what they did for music back then… Im lucky I did get to see them in 1979 in NY…They were amazing! Pioneers of a new sound…

    But its all about Ben here…Its so meaningful to be able to see Ben playing and singing live…
    He had a voice like no other…what a unique way he sang and accented his words a little diffrently than most. Ben Orr is a Legend, a musical genious, so insanely talented, so rockstar cool, so ridiculously handsome, there are no words. He was gorgeous in all ways…sigh. Forever loved xoxo
    Thank you for being here.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. We definitely feel the same way about him! ❤ It's so cool that you got to see them live back in '79. I'm glad you found the blog and that you enjoyed the article. Thank you for commenting!


  17. Hi SPJ, I’ve always liked The Cars but in a somewhat detached way. Then a couple days ago, the muses must have targeted me for a special mission. I stumbled upon a clip of Bye Bye Love and was floored by Benjamin’s good looks. Now, I’m a ‘straight as an arrow’ guy, but WOW! These past couple days I’ve been watching their videos repeatedly and finding a new and deep appreciation for their music, their musicianship, songwriting and professionalism. A lifelong rock musician myself, I took special note of your observations of the drink-throwing incident and Benjamin”s response. Believe me, I can absolutely place myself in him in that situation, feel his emotions and intense channeling of anger into his performance on that song. It’s an absolute rush to identify with him there. Maybe it’s Elliot’s usual way, but I seem to sense a similar response in him with his fiery guitar licks and aggressive stage presence near the end of the song, as if he’s saying “Oh yeah?? Take THAT!!” I’ve also listened repeatedly to every available performance of “Drive.” What a masterpiece!! Anyway, thanks for all your insights, which have really enhanced my appreciation of this band!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I appreciate your comments, Jim99! Yep, Ben’s looks know no limits on who they can affect. Haha! He has a magnetism that makes him such a perfect rock star. I’m so glad you could relate to the feelings he may have felt in that situation. Those guys just KILLED it at RGTC — so iconic! It makes me happy that you enjoyed my article, and I hope you’ll find other bits and pieces on the blog to relate to. Thank you for reading and commenting! ❤


    2. Jim99, your first four sentences was me 4 years ago except I am female. I was FLOORED by Ben’s good looks and wondered why oh why back in the day I had those stupid posters of Peter Frampton on my teenage walls instead of Ben! I guess that was before MTV, so didn’t really know what he looked liked. Anyway from there I watched the videos over and over again. Even though I always liked the Cars, had their albums, I had a whole new appreciation for them. Good stuff never gets old.

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